Santa Clara County Legal Professionals Association

Welcome to the website for the Santa Clara County Legal Professionals Association (SCCoLPA).  Founded in 1940, our nonprofit, educational association was organized for the main purpose of educating and training legal professionals.  We strive to enhance and further the legal professional’s knowledge of the law and its procedures, provide continuing education programs, statewide and local networking opportunities, and promote a high standard of ethics.

SCCoLPA holds monthly meetings and offers quality educational programs presented by experienced legal and law-related professionals designed to increase skills and help fulfill continuing education requirements. We are recognized by the California State Bar as an MCLE provider.

Membership in SCCoLPA is open to all who are involved in the legal community, including legal assistants, legal secretaries, paralegals, attorneys, other legal-related personnel, legal service providers, or students planning to enter the legal field.

Please contact us for additional information.

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